Blog Archives
Dr. Milton Wolf for U.S. Senate
By Donlyn Turnbull
Focusing on real issues which negatively impact Americans on a daily basis exists as our point of concentration here at Tea Party Express. Issues like out of control spending, higher taxes and the intrusiveness of government, including ObamaCare, are our points of concern.
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Happy 5th Birthday to the Tea Party movement!
By Donlyn Turnbull
Ronald Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’ The more this mammoth Government has attempted to “help” America, the more they’ve grown while our personal freedom and fiscal health have declined to levels that would make a founding father cry. It’s this very same sentiment that served as the catalyst to the modern day tea party movement.
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TPX Endorses Justin Amash
Justin Amash to continue fighting for America with a Tea Party Express full endorsement
It’s time for Tea Party Express to recommit to Rep. Justin Amash as he recommits to our nation in seeking another term in Congress. The U.S. Representative for Michigan’s 3rd congressional district, Justin Amash, has lived up to his promises when he first ran for Congress in the wave of success in 2010. It’s time to wake up Obama once again and let him know the American people will not stand idly by as our Constitution is attacked.
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Steve Daines for U.S. Senate
By Donlyn Turnbull
For years now Obama and the Democrats have desperately clung the moniker of moving America “forward”, but with Americans losing their freedom over their healthcare choices, continued high unemployment and out-of-control spending in Washington, it’s difficult to see how they consider it moving “forward” at all. As a matter of fact, it sounds backwards to us.
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