Blog Archives
GOTV: Headed for the Grand Finale
by Donlyn Turnbull
Director of New Media
Everyone enjoys a great fireworks show. It’s fun watching each unique display light up the sky, but the best part is always the grand finale. That’s when suddenly, instead of just one or two well-paced individual explosions, the sky is suddenly illuminated with an entire arsenal. Read More
Interview with Kay Rivoli- National Grassroots Director, Tea Party Express
by Justin Petty
Administrative Director
Each week, we’ve featured your column, in which you’ve shared with us your interactions with local tea party groups across the country and your thoughts on this election cycle. What information this week do you feel is important to share?
I’m feeling very good about tea party success heading into election day, though I still want to remind folks why elections next week are so important as we really do need all tea party voters fully engaged if we’re going to continue to make progress in restoring this great nation. Next week, we have a chance to finally elect a conservative majority in the Senate and rip the gavel out of Harry Reid’s hands, preventing any further liberal judicial appointments by President Obama in his last two years. Whether or not our primary candidate made it, we HAVE to support the more conservative candidate in each race. Read More
Grassroots Update: The countdown is on.
by Kay Rivoli
National Grassroots Director
The countdown is on! Only 15 days till Election!
We are fast approaching the November 4th elections and it is time to BLAST OFF in your efforts to get out the vote. On the state and local levels, it is time to get out the yard signs, walk the precincts, man the phone banks, and start conversations with your family and friends discussing why this election is so important. IT IS TIME TO DEFEAT THE SINISTER SIX and take the gavel out of Harry Reid’s hands. Read More
Election Roundup: The cross country race rundown.
by Andy Surabian
Political Director
After weeks of smears on businessman David Perdue, Democrat candidate for Senate Michelle Nunn has seemingly taken the lead in the Georgia Senate race. 2 polls released in the last week have shown her with small leads over Perdue. A poll conducted by Survey USA shows her leading Perdue 48% to 45%, while another poll conducted by WRBL showed her leading 45% to 44%. Luckily, both polls are within the margin of error and Perdue is still given a 62% chance of victory in November by the Huffington Post. Read More