Conservative Campaign Committee Pushin’ for McDaniel in Biloxi
by Lloyd Marcus
My Conservative Campaign Committee team and I attended the Tea Party Express rally for Chris McDaniel in Biloxi Mississippi. We have launched an independent expenditure ad campaign and rallied volunteers to assist our team in making get-out-the-vote phone calls for McDaniel. Read More
Enough! They MUST Be Stopped!
by Lloyd Marcus
It has become a daily frightening occurrence, hearing politicians, commentators, pundits and stunned Americans say, “That’s outrageous!” “He can’t do that!” “No way!” “It’s against federal law!” “They have no legal authority to force us to do that!” These comments are in response to the daily unprecedented out-of-control tyranny handed down by Obama and his operatives. We are talking arrogance with a capital “A” coming out of the Obama Administration. Read More
President Hillary? No Way! She Should Be Done
by Lloyd Marcus
I could not believe what I had just heard on my TV. I was outraged. I was angry. Is this woman a complete idiot or is she the most condescending, arrogant and self-serving politician on the planet? This was my reaction upon hearing Hillary Clinton say regarding the Taliban five, “These five guys are not a threat to the United States.” Read More
Shame on Jonathan Capehart
by Lloyd Marcus
Mr Capehart, your Washington Post hit piece insidiously designed to smear Chris McDaniel who is a decent and honorable man goes beyond the pale of low-rent race-baiting politicking. But, I get it. You are black which grants you carte blanche to irresponsibility yell racism in a crowded political theater whenever it fits your fancy. Read More
Because He is Black, Americans Suffer and Die
by Lloyd Marcus
Clearly, no amount of unprecedented unlawful power grabs, narcissistic behavior, blatant lies and ignoring of the Constitution will sway the mainstream media and the Democrats from their loyalty to Obama. Why? The answer is Obama is black which makes him their ultimate weapon of mass destruction able to nuke traditional America. Obama’s mission is to cram his radical socialist/progressive dream for America down our throats. Read More
TODAY: Last Chance to Send Two Fearless Conservatives to DC
by Lloyd Marcus
Alice died. Ann B. Davis, who played the beloved housekeeper Alice, on the TV series, The Brady Bunch died Sunday. The devout and outspoken Christian 88 year old actress was an icon of a kinder gentler America when wholesomeness and goodness were celebrated. Read More
Faithfulness is the Key to Restoring America
by Lloyd Marcus
I shot the music video for my song, “We Are Americans”. Between takes while the director was setting up a different camera angle, I was on my mark on the set. I thought, “Wow, can you believe this?” For over a year, I have been seeking the right production company and funding to produce this video. Suddenly, I have a talented director shooting my music video at no expense. Praise God! Read More
The Main Event This Weekend: Slavery vs Freedom
by Lloyd Marcus
This weekend, the state convention will decide if State Senator Julianne Ortman will climb the next step up the ladder to the August 14 primary to become the Republican U.S. Senate nominee to ultimately defeat toxic flaming-liberal Democrat Al Franken in the general. Read More